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The Lewis Honors College grieves the violent deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and others whose murders have prompted widespread protest against deep injustice and oppression. We, the members of the leadership team of the Lewis Honors College, mourn these tragedies and the grief and fear that accompany these deaths. Racism has no place in our society, and we all have a moral obligation to work to eliminate it.  

You have heard this from the President and Provost of our University, but it is important that you hear it from us as well: the Lewis Honors College is committed to maintaining an environment free of discrimination. We will not tolerate racism, harassment, or violence. We stand in solidarity with our Black and African American students, faculty, and staff. You are valued members of the Lewis community, and we offer you our support.  

Purpose, intellect, and integrity. Using these traits and values to better the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the world is our mission. The rejection of racism and the building up one another are integral to that mission. Below you will find a list of resources at the University of Kentucky and within the Lewis Honors College that are designed to support you. We also want to share the descriptions of just a few of the many programs and efforts that we have within Honors to combat racism and build up our community. For example, we have an active Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council which includes faculty, staff, and students and is always open to welcoming new members. We regularly bring speakers, panels, and have reading groups addressing subjects relating to racism and inequality. We are keenly aware that we do not have all the solutions, but we will continue to combat racism and welcome your partnership. In addition, please let us know how we can best care for and support you.  

Creating a better Commonwealth and world requires more than just words, it takes action and integrity as well. But words are important, powerful, and necessary. So, we say again, we want all of our faculty, staff, and students to know of our continued commitment to you and our community. We are committed to fighting racism and injustice. We are committed to making the Lewis Honors College both a place of shelter and safety. We are committed to making the Lewis Honors College a community that continually builds and strengthens one another. We are committed to being the people who bring true, positive, and lasting changes into our world.  

We mourn with our community and will never forget the lives lost and impacted.

For more information on resources and programming related to anti-racism, click here.