Applications for prestigious sustainability research award now open
Applications for the Crabtree-Cornell Award for Research in Sustainability and the Environment are open.
The Crabtree-Cornell Family Fund for the Environment was established by a generous donation to the Lewis Honors College to support the dissemination and creation of knowledge about issues concerning the environment, including, but not limited to, the impact of environmental change on local and global economies, social and political change, agriculture, health, food and water supplies, energy, infrastructure, and public policy. This fund provides up to three $500 awards in support of undergraduate student research in sustainability and the environment. Award funds could be used to cover research and conference travel, supply costs, and/or stipend—however, the awardee sees fit.
Eligibility: Students in the Lewis Honors College are eligible to apply. Research supported by this award must engage an issue concerning sustainability and the environment, but that research may be in any discipline.
Application Process and Deadlines: Please carefully prepare a proposal (max 3 single-spaced pages, not including references), according to the following framework:
- Project Summary/Abstract (1 paragraph) that concisely presents the issue related to sustainability and the environment, and the research approach used to address the issue.
- Introduction/Context (1 page) that situates the problem and the student’s research approach in context within the existing literature.
- Research Methods/Approach (1 page) that details the student’s planned research project. Excellent proposals will demonstrate student understanding of planned methods and document that the student has access to the technical, facilities, and other support necessary to successfully complete the project. Please note that the student must identify a research mentor in this section.
- Please attach a resume. Recipients are required to present their research to the public. The context and form of the presentation are flexible.
Submit inquiries and completed applications to kenton.sena@uky.edu by 11:59 on Monday, March 31.