Prior to being submitted, all proposals should be approved by the faculty member’s department chair and written or verbal indication of the chair’s support is required. We recommend that you or your chair remain in contact with the dean of your college about your overall teaching responsibilities, and faculty should be aware of any additional approvals necessary through their home departments.
Those proposing courses are required to first submit their proposal to the DUS, along with relevant or related course evaluations (TCEs) to verify a history of quality teaching.
The DUS will share the proposal with the Honors College Council Course and Curriculum Committee, who will review it at their next meeting. The committee will share feedback to ensure it meets honors expectations, and the proposing faculty will then develop and share a syllabus for final review. Templates for HON syllabi are available on the Honors Faculty SharePoint or upon request.
Decisions about course offerings will be made in a timely manner and in coordination with the proposing faculty member. Decisions will be based on course need, diversity of offerings, faculty availability to teach within certain resource restrictions (e.g. course meeting patterns, classroom availability, etc.), and suitability given the course and intended student audience.
Upon approval, faculty will be contacted by Honors to arrange a meeting pattern for the course if the course is to be offered under an HON heading and to collect course details for departmental honors section that are created by the faculty's department. HON sections are capped at 25 students, and the Honors College requests that departmental honors sections make every effort to keep those sections at lower capacities than the regular versions of those courses. Individual departments may opt to place controlled enrollment on departmental courses, or they may wish to allow open seats to be filled by non-Honors students after the Honors registration window has closed.