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The mission of the Lewis Honors College is to better the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the world by helping students to explore their purpose, develop intellectually, and lead with integrity.


The Lewis Honors College will provide a world-class Honors experience that is known for the success of its students, the quality of its faculty and curriculum, the respect of its peers, and the economic and social progress of our communities.


The Lewis Honors College is guided by its core values:

  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Curiosity
  • Mutual respect and human dignity for all and opposition to hatred of any person or group
  • Diversity and inclusivity
  • Academic freedom
  • Personal accountability and social responsibility
  • A sense of community
  • Civic engagement and service

To fulfill our mission and vision: 

  • The Lewis Honors College is dedicated to excellence in undergraduate education and engages students holistically to learn and thrive.
  • The Lewis Honors College offers innovative and multi-disciplinary curriculum that opens up a world of inquiry, including research, education abroad, and service. 
  • The Lewis Honors College curriculum challenges students intellectually, provides access to the most creative minds at UK, and prepares students for advanced study and global competency. 
  • UK Honors students are drawn from around the state, region, country, and world. 
  • UK Honors students are in all majors and colleges and once on campus, become engaged in many leadership roles. 
  • UK Honors graduates are in prestigious businesses and organizations, graduate and professional programs, and are effective leaders and global citizens who contribute to positive change in Kentucky and the world. 

Pledge of Excellence

As a member of the Lewis Honors College I dedicate myself to intellectual inquiry, life-long learning, and critical thinking. I pledge to demonstrate personal and academic integrity both inside and outside the classroom. I pledge to always be willing to engage my peers in earnest and respectful discussion with an open mind.”